Basically you haven't heard they tryna give police more training to kill us and they already have training. How much training a cop need when they train enough to kill us in the streets for nothing. Orisis Bentley say his name tort say his name. Imagine how many lives been killed to police brutality. Ok so there people like say ohh well it's good cops out there some love cops . Some real pigs riders but they must ain't had police killed one they people to say they love cops when it's so many bad cops they overrated the good cops so what's good cops really there when they stand there don't speak say nothing to the bad cop from begin the bad cop . Yall people don't wake up realize these cops aren't here to serve us the people it's the money they make off of us . This prison farm will never be build . The community why can't we lean on each other. People talk bout the black on black crimes well thank the kkk who started war for us to knock each other off you ask me screaming justice for whoever out there til I have too come here lets get involved more please . Doesn't matter your race or your gay or not everyone welcome here we host events around and love to have you apart of the movement and honesty you wanna talk bout anything else I'm here letssss gooooo