My name is Lonnie,
My "day job" is customer service. I take phone calls all day helping customers in one capacity or another. These calls, more often than not, take a friendly conversational path after the original business is resolved. I have experienced that a lot of people really need someone to talk to. Every day I speak to people that aren't able to leave their house, or many times their bed or their chair.
It breaks my heart that when that call is over,and due to both industry and company security, and privacy protocols, I will probably never hear from that person again.
Now that I have found "AtlasTalked"!
I can make myself available for any one who needs, or would
like to just talk. I will discuss any topic, I will listen to any story, I will hear of your victories and defeats. I will be your
focus group for your thoughts and ideas. I will read to you from your favorite book or periodical. I will
be your rehearsal partner for a conversation you want to initiate with someone else later.
Need a break? Take a Lonnie Break! I will make time for you.
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