Jillian S

Jillian S

Boy Mom of 3. Herbalist. Business Owner. Spiritual practitioner. Friend to ALL!

Experience with: Trauma recovery, Drug & Alcohol rehabilitation, Personality disorders, Autism spectrum disorder, Parenting, Inpatient & Outpatient therapy (18 years), Eating Disorders, ADHD, OCD, and much more!

Interests: Herbal Medicine, Astrology, Tarot cards, Transactional Analysis, Constitutional Energetics, Peer-Led Support, Music, Community Outreach, Environmental Health, and more!

If you're interested in chatting with me, drop me a line! I'm eager to talk with you! Stay true to yourself, always~

Communication Style: Direct, Scientific, Nurturing, Empathetic
Timezone: Central Time

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Jillian S

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